Introducing Dust GPT, a Devastating New GPT Game
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The world of Dust GPT isn’t a happy, easy-going place. The world was destroyed by antimatter bombs more than 122 years ago. And the people who remain are the ancestors of the small percentage of the population who survived all that.
Surviving in this environment is a challenge. Building a settlement and convincing people to live in it? That’s harder. And restarting civilization from the ground up? Well … that’s damn near impossible. But if you’re smart about, dedicated, and lucky, you might just be able to pull that off.
A Custom GPT like no other

If you’re familiar with custom GPT games, chances are you realize they tend to have a few problems. For starters, the GPT always assumes victory is the only way a person can have fun. But that’s not the case with Dust GPT. Not even close.
This is a game where bad decisions are punished. Where the threat of injury, illness, and death are real. And we’re not talking “die and get respawned back at your settlement” death. We’re talking brutal, no-turning-back permadeath. Where the only path forward is to have already named a “legacy character” you’ll take control of if your main character kicks the bucket.
Convincing a custom GPT to let players make mistakes and even die? That’s probably a lot harder than it seems. But make no mistake, Dust GPT will be a brutal and unforgiving narrative game unlike anything else in the GPT Store. Oh … and it’ll be free to play, too.
Dust GPT is available now!

Dust GPT is available right now in the GPT Store. Go ahead and take it for a spin, and then drop by our Discord and let us know just how long you managed to survive in the wasteland.
Oh, and one more thing. Dust GPT isn’t a game about cuddling with cute bunny rabbits and frolicking in flowery fields. This is a game with zero frolicking, where bunnies might be irradiated mutant monsters whose idea of “cuddling” involves your face getting munched clean off. It’s a game with cursing and violence and stuff. So maybe don’t play Dust GPT if you’re a kid or if you’re sensitive to that sort of stuff.